Volume XVIII • Issue 45 • 2012 (Already published) |
The Real Experience |
Title : |
Experience of real work and organizational behavior |
Author(s) : |
Christian, Bourion ; Denis, Cristol ; Frank, Bournois ; Jean-Michel, Plane |
Pages : |
33 - 54 |
Type : |
Prologue |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-33.htm |
Title : |
Observe organizations from the inside. Advocacy for ethnographic research |
Author(s) : |
Christophe, Vignon ; Laëtitia, Laude ; Mathias, Waelli |
Abstract : |
In France, ethnography is fashionable in all disciplines of the humanities ... except in HRM. The finding may be surprising in view of the fertility of the method and the benevolence of companies towards "field" researchers. Our contribution explores this contradiction from a double perspective: historical and comparative. The illumination by the examples of sociology and the sciences of education invites us first of all to consider these resistances as the expression of the will of a recent discipline to conform to the most legitimate sciences founded on the quantitative. But the nature of management sciences still encourages us to think about the specificities of the subject of human resources management. Its practical anchoring (the IAE initially having for vocation to train executives already in position) leads it paradoxically to detach itself from the ground, to prevent suspicions of normativity which weigh on its object. Finally, his academic ancestry, since the management sciences, resulting from the economy, were first formed around disciplines that focus on mathematics: accounting and finance. Today, however, there is a timid opening, driven inter alia by interdisciplinarity, which offers some works based on qualitative methods, spaces for publication. This context, a priori particular, invites us to reflect on the critical scope of ethnography and its challenges for a discipline. " |
Keywords: |
HRM, research methods in management sciences, ethnography |
Pages : |
55 - 76 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-55.htm |
Title : |
Middle managers at the heart of sensemaking. The process of creating meaning in a context of organizational change |
Author(s) : |
Alain, Vas ; Nathalie, Guilmot |
Abstract : |
If the environment in which organizations operate is characterized by constant changes, the ability to change is now a survival issue for companies. However, given the low implementation success rates, it seems that this process still needs to be investigated. In particular, it appears in the literature that the majority of studies focused on the actions and behaviors undertaken by the initiators of change, namely top management. Only recently have various authors stressed the importance of expanding research to other actors involved in the change process, such as middle managers. Indeed, it was not until the end of the 1990s that the research carried out showed the importance of the roles played by middle managers in the context of change. In line with this work, the research that this article seeks to shed light on how in-between managers interpret change and communicate it across the organization. Based on previous research, this paper proposes an integrative theoretical model emphasizing the place occupied by middle managers at the heart of the process of creation and dissemination of meaning in a context of organizational change. |
Keywords: |
organizational change, sensemaking, middle management |
Pages : |
77 - 99 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-77.htm |
Title : |
Accept risk and uncertainty. Point of passage required |
Author(s) : |
Laurent, Bibard |
Abstract : |
The contemporary context of management requires organizations and individuals to know how to evolve in uncertainty, which is different from risk in that it is not measurable even if in a probabilistic way. The paradoxical answer to this requirement is to attempt to measure everything - it is the reign of the measurable whole. The consequences of such an evolution are potentially particularly unfortunate. On the basis of an approach of uncertainty coextensive with the approach of the ethics within the organizations, one proposes some methodological orientations to relearn to evolve in the uncertain. |
Keywords: |
ethics, uncertainty, measurement, risk, learning to learn |
Pages : |
101 - 119 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-101.htm |
Title : |
Middle management under pressure. The difficult integration of the NPM managerial reference system in organizations serving the general interest |
Author(s) : |
François, Pichault ; Frédéric, Schoenaers |
Abstract : |
The purpose of this contribution is to explore the various ways in which local managers disseminate and take ownership of the new managerial order from the NPM. To do this, we will draw on three case studies from 2009 to 2010. These have the common point of staging organizations whose mission is to produce services in a general interest perspective. Our purpose is articulated in three stages. The first will highlight the way in which the scientific literature documents the tension - between pressure to performance and maintaining balances and routines - in which intermediate and local managers have been located for a few years. In a second step, the three case studies are presented. The middle position that managers occupy between contradictory pressures towards performance, on the one hand, and the protection of work collectives, on the other hand, makes it almost impossible for them to satisfy all the parties. to the cause. Either they take over the top management's request and confront the various forms of resistance developed by their employees, or they evade managerial pressure in favor of support from their base. In all cases, they suffer from identity discomfort and risk stigmatization or eviction for lack of performance. Finally, the third step will allow us to discuss the results of the case studies and propose, in an abductive way, an attempt to explain the observed phenomena, relying largely on the actor-network theory and the sociology of identities. organizational. |
Keywords: |
discipline, identity, NPM, network, strategy, manager |
Pages : |
121 - 150 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-121.htm |
Title : |
Be a leader despite yourself. Two case studies of leadership malaise |
Author(s) : |
Martine, Brasseur |
Abstract : |
In this article, we propose to enrich the problem of leadership by studying the situations experienced by the leader and experienced as imposed by the dynamics of the group. We will focus on one aspect of this little explored phenomenon: the ill-being of the people concerned. For this, after a review of the literature to clarify the issue of leadership, we will position our research methodology in the course of research-action of the School of Palo Alto, which we will designate by the acronym "E.P.D. For a third time present the results of two case studies of professional accompaniment. The first illustrates the possible opposition between posture of emergent leader in spite of oneself and existential quest of the individual. The second highlights that the outcome of this situation is not necessarily the self-exclusion of the group or the passage of leadership relay, and that an option can open for the person allowing him to accept his leadership without being denied. Our work supports the hypothesis that rotating leadership is desirable, not only for team performance, but for the preservation of the leader's person. |
Pages : |
151 - 160 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-151.htm |
Title : |
When social innovation is driven by labor entrepreneurship. Benevolence at the heart of the business model or social business in action |
Author(s) : |
Julie, Tixier |
Abstract : |
As part of this research, we are interested in social innovation and more specifically in new ways of managing the social issue by entrepreneurs. We then study what Yunus (2010) defined as the social business characterized by "putting people at the heart of the process" and more particularly social entrepreneurship. These are companies whose purpose is social and / or societal while being part of a classic approach to entrepreneurship. These entrepreneurs at the heart of the device and the initiative of this orientation favor social innovation objectives. We use Bouchard's (1999: 2) definition of social innovation as follows: "Social innovation refers to any new approach, practice or intervention, or any new product developed to improve a situation or solve a social problem. and having found takers at the level of institutions, organizations, communities. ". We then ask the question: to what extent does social entrepreneurship offer a new conception of social innovation? We wonder about the models of social innovation and the concrete examples of social entrepreneurship that upset the traditional modes of management. We then submit a proposal for a new modeling of social innovation through entrepreneurship. |
Keywords: |
social innovation, theory of translation, social entrepreneurship |
Pages : |
161 - 183 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-161.htm |
Title : |
The lever of innovation. 6 Tunisian examples |
Author(s) : |
Dhouha, Rhodesly ; Zeineb, Mamlouk |
Abstract : |
Since innovation is conceived as a process of exploitation and exploration of knowledge, today it seems appropriate to deviate from the emblematic image of the entrepreneurial leader who dominated until then, to focus on the challenge of the interweaving of individual intelligences into work collectives and the transformation of creative ideas into innovative solutions. This article aims to provide answers to the question of leadership in relation to the dynamics of innovation. Indeed, by investigating, through the observation of Tunisian firms, the managerial practices linked to the capacity for innovation, two results emerged: first, the desire to surpass oneself is signed by the management team; secondly, middle management is at the heart of knowledge sharing in places of socialization (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) through the dissemination of values ??of trust, mutual aid, merit, etc. |
Keywords: |
organizational learning, entrepreneurship, leadership, grounded theorization, innovation |
Pages : |
185 - 204 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-185.htm |
Title : |
The lever of imagination a Chinese example. Feedback from a Chinese student |
Author(s) : |
Tian Xing, Shi |
Pages : |
205 - 216 |
Type : |
Other |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-205.htm |
Title : |
Entrepreneurial accompaniment. What psychological bias? |
Author(s) : |
Jean-Jacques, Pluchart |
Abstract : |
The issue raised by this exploratory study focuses on the main psychological biases that affect the decisions and behaviors of entrepreneurs, as well as the support strategies that can be used to deal with them. This study adopts a socio-comprehensive approach, aimed at collecting and analyzing the perceptions of these biases by the creators themselves and by their companions. It aims to construct a double typology of the main biases that affect the efficiency of entrepreneurial support and their methods of treatment. It is based on a survey based on semi-structured interviews with creators accompanied by a business incubator in Ile de France. |
Keywords: |
coaching, business creation, entrepreneurship, support network, psychological bias |
Pages : |
217 - 238 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-217.htm |
Title : |
Is equality a lever? In the context of managerial contractualism |
Author(s) : |
Fabrice, Gutnik |
Abstract : |
The purpose of this article is to consider how the dominant conception of equality mobilized in social responsibility policies constitutes a resource for legitimizing the actions of leaders in companies that are now also considered as institutions that should contribute to the commons. Equality of opportunity indeed represents an ambiguous notion in French law which engages in practices arising from managerial contractualism new forms of organization, problematic political conceptions of social justice, not without risk for the respect of fundamental rights. |
Keywords: |
fundamental rights, equality, equal opportunities, business, social justice, leadership, corporate social responsibility, managerial contractualism |
Pages : |
239 - 250 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-239.htm |
Title : |
Manager without losing his soul. When the "real work" of the executives opens the way to daily, alternative and humanistic practices |
Author(s) : |
Catherine, Glée ; Frederik, Mispelblom Beyer |
Abstract : |
This article is based on a paradox: management has never been so much criticized today as by those who have contributed to the promotion of the notion and its dissemination (Mintzberg 2005, Hamel, 2007) and, in At the same time, the publications issued by HRM professionals constantly emphasize the strategic importance of the manager, especially the so-called "proximity manager", and this because of his key role in leading change, in mobilizing teams, in the performance of organizations. Based on an empirical study of comprehensible type interview materials (Kaufman, 1996) 3, we propose an analysis of the "invariable foundations" of the supervisory activity and we analyze the "secular theorizations" with which the supervisors interviewed tried to "grasp" a complex and moving reality in order to build modes of action and "reaction" that were operational tools for them. The results show how resistance strategies are invented to "frame without losing one's soul". They indicate that silent alternative practices exist and that a form of "humanistic and benevolent" management can exist and take place within a "sustainable" HRM. The term "sustainable" is understood here, not in the temporal sense of the term, but in the "ecological" sense, that is to say, sustainable, acceptable for the "humans" supervised and supervising. |
Keywords: |
mentoring, slow management, alternative strategy, profane theorization, executives |
Pages : |
251 - 273 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-251.htm |
Title : |
Manager and lose his soul? When the real work of executives paves the way for deviant daily practices |
Author(s) : |
Benoît, Cherré ; Jean-Pierre, Dumazert |
Abstract : |
This article is a dive into the daily lives of several managers. It shows a reality very different from the practices and behaviors mentioned in the light of all. Exploring, searching and discovering a universe sometimes dark and amazing, we returned to the secret garden of deviance. The exemplarity is sought over the interviews and often takes a very dissonant coloring. It gives way to the deviance at the heart of the situations that the managers interviewed echoed. Another alternative is emerging in the daily work situations. Negative or positive, deviance takes many forms and refers organizational behavior to simple forms of expression: gaining an advantage, preserving or protecting an asset, limiting the presence of power, taking advantage of opportunities, and so on. |
Keywords: |
positive deviance, manager, negative deviance |
Pages : |
275 - 292 |
Type : |
Research paper |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-275.htm |
Title : |
Small power games in business. How to identify them and put an end to them |
Author(s) : |
Mauricio, Goldstein ; Philip, Read |
Pages : |
293 - 296 |
Type : |
Book review |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-293.htm |
Title : |
Carl Rogers: to be truly yourself. Person centered approach |
Author(s) : |
Geneviève, Odier |
Pages : |
297 - 298 |
Type : |
Book review |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-297.htm |
Title : |
All the secrets of your brain |
Author(s) : |
Alain, Lieury |
Pages : |
299 - 299 |
Type : |
Book review |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-299.htm |
Title : |
Work, it can be learned |
Author(s) : |
Maurice, Thévenet |
Pages : |
301 - 308 |
Type : |
Book review |
URL Cairn: |
https://www.cairn.info/revue-internationale-de-psychosociologie-de-gestion-des-comportements-organisationnels-2012-45-page-301.htm |