The corpus of reviewers is the linchpin of the journal. It is composed of ad hoc reviewers who are mobilized to issue a critical and constructive opinion on the submissions. These notices, anonymous for the authors, may take the form of acceptance as is, request for minor or major changes, rejection with invitation for a new submission fully amended, or final rejection. These colleagues are solicited according to the needs of the journal by the editorial board on the basis of their areas of expertise. Opinions are summarized by the associate editors in charge of the manuscript and the final decision of publication or rejection is made by the editor-in-chief. When these reviewers are asked to review the text, the editor reminds them of the need to be constructive in their remarks and to adopt wording that limits the risk of vexation of the authors. It is explicitly suggested that they position themselves as coaches for submissions with real academic potential. The quality of proofreading is evaluated by the associate editors on a 5-point scale: poor, average, good, very good and excellent. This assessment, combined with other indicators, makes it possible to build up a corpus of reviewers who ensure a high level scientific assessment.
Special issue : Vol. XXX, Issue CFP_SI_CLIMATECHANGE (2024)
Organizational behavior in the face of climate challenges
Climate change and environmental issues have become recurring topics in current debates, leading to a heightened awareness of the need to preserve the planet and its species. To address these challenges, governments, businesses, social movements, and NGOs are actively engaging in a transition towards sustainable and nature-friendly lifestyles. In this critical context, academic research plays a cr ...
Special issue : Vol. XXXI, Issue CFP_SI_IAORGA (2025)
Artificial intelligence in organisations, how to (better) work with it?
Christelle MARTIN LACROUX and Fabienne PEREZ
Organisations are undergoing a significant transformation, described as the fourth industrial revolution or the era of algorithms. Artificial Intelligence (AI), defined as a technology that allows machines to reproduce human-like behaviours, plays a major role in this, with technologies now widely deployed in organisations. Machine Learning is a notable technology that enables cumulative ...
Special issue : Vol. XXXI, Issue CFP_SI_RECHSENSOB (2025)
Sensitive research and organisational behaviour: from dilemma to action
In organizations subjected to a highly competitive environment, with an increasingly fractured work world, the consideration of sensitive topics by companies—pertaining to ethical issues (fraud, deviance, power plays), taboos (addictions), vulnerable individuals (health conditions), disadvantaged groups (discrimination), and marginalized statuses (gray areas of employment relationships)—as well as ...
Special issue : Vol. XXXI, Issue CFP_SI_WELLBEING (2025)
Well-being / Ill-being at Work
Nathalie Bernard
The study of well-being at work truly emerged at the turn of the 2000s when positive psychology encouraged the scientific community to study optimal human functioning (Seligman 1999) and when well-being at work measurement scales appeared (Abord de Chatillon and Richard 2015; Bietry and Creusier 2013; Dagenais-Desmarais 2010). Today, well-being at work has become a significant managerial and socie ...
RIPCO evolves
Since July 2018, the new editorial team aims atreaching a high scientific level. RIPCO continues to publish research in the field of organizational behavior, regardless of the methodology, and particularly encourages multi-, multi- and transdisciplinary research. The new editorial team put in place continues the evolution of the journal through:
• The establishment of a new, young, international and multidisciplinary editorial team;
• The modernization of the journal and its management with powerful digital tools, including an updated website and online manuscripts management tool and;
• The internationalization of content, via referencing in international databases and a gradual translation of articles into English.