Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
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Volume XXX • Issue 83 • 2024 (Just released)
(Regular issue)
Issue content
Title :  Developing interactional competences in vocational training within work organizations
Author(s) :  Marianne, ZOGMAL ; Laurent, FILLIETTAZ
Abstract :  The development of interactional competence is an essential ingredient in practical training in the fields of health and social work in Switzerland. Numerous research dedicated to practice-based training, particularly in the field of vocational didactics, focus on recurrences and a form of modelling of the training activity. In contrast, the research presented here aims to highlight the diversity of practices enacted to train people to interact at work. By using a collection of audio-video data recorded in work internship contexts, the paper analyzes encounters between tutors and students with patients or beneficiaries. Twelve extracts from six different internships are analyzed. A theoretical perspective based on the principles of interaction analysis provides a detailed description at a micro level of the language and interactional resources used (speech, intonations, gestures, etc.). In particular, the paper shows that tutors enact a wide range of methods for organizing interactions and arranging different participation formats. Their interventions may be explicit and made publicly salient to all the participants, or they may be implicit and accomplished by discreet redirections in the course of interactions.
Keywords:  training, health, social work, communication, social interaction
Pages : 
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Preventing and Managing Psychosocial Risks: A Challenge for Entrepreneurial Support Organizations
Author(s) :  Christian, MAKAYA ; Siavash, ATARODI ; Céline, Barrédy
Abstract :  The management of psychosocial risks related to the coaching and training of entrepreneurs has been rarely addressed in the literature. This study aims to identify strategies and actions that entrepreneurial coaching and training organizations can implement to prevent and manage situations of distress experienced by their employees during their interactions with the entrepreneurs they mentor. To achieve this, we employed the Delphi method of iterative questioning with a panel of ten experts in psychosocial risk management. The study''s results lead us to recommend an organizational change aimed at fostering the development of emotional intelligence skills among the professionals involved, through concrete actions on company culture, organizational structure, and training policies. We also outline the conditions necessary for effective interventions in emotion management within the concerned organizations. Our research paves the way for further studies on the mental health of those who coach and train entrepreneurs—an issue of public health at a time when public authorities see the spread of entrepreneurial skills as a lever for economic and social development.
Keywords:  psychosocial risks, entrepreneurial support, entrepreneurship education, emotional intelligence, emotions
Pages : 
Type :  Research paper
Title :  Organizational Causes of "Boreout": An Exploratory Study in the Tunisian Private Sector
Author(s) :  Aziz, CHTIOUI ; Lamia, HECHICHE SALAH ; Gregor, BOUVILLE
Abstract :  Work is the essence of human beings. It constitutes an essential component of one’s identity. Over the past decades, various problems such as stress at work, workaholism, suffering at work, and burnout have increased, leading to numerous work-related pathologies. Work is certainly fundamental and beneficial for people but can become painful and a source of psychological distress. This is the case for the phenomenon of boreout, also known as professional exhaustion due to boredom. The conservation of resources theory offers a relevant analytical framework for understanding boreout. Indeed, when boredom at work is permanent, it may become pathological and lead to boreout. Although publicized in the public sector, boreout can also concern the private sector. The main objective of this research is to identify the organizational causes of boreout in the private sector. To this end, a qualitative exploratory study was conducted. Interviews with twenty-one employees working in the Tunisian private sector revealed that the experience of boreout can result from the lack of activity, simple tasks devoid of interest, from monotony due to the repetitive nature of tasks, from a mismatch between education and position, from the lack of novelty, career development opportunities and intellectual challenge, and finally, from a total lack of autonomy.
Keywords:  boreout, professional exhaustion due to boredom, boredom at work, psychosocial Risks, private sector
Pages : 
Type :  Research paper
Title : 
Abstract : 
Pages : 
Type :  Research paper
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved