To better ensure its development, RIPCO has created since 2019 a research day open to academics from around the world. The objective is to offer a place for exchange and debate on the major themes of organizational behavior. The proposed papers can be situated at the different traditional levels of analysis of OB: the individual, groups, organizations, as well as the links within and between these different levels. Theoretical work is encouraged as well as empirical research, which may adopt qualitative as well as quantitative methodologies. Prizes are awarded for the best papers selected by the journal's editorial board. Each year, in addition to offering the possibility of contributing to any theme within the field, the event focuses on a particular theme.
Thus, the 2019 edition was dedicated to emerging trends in OB including, in particular, neuroscience, humanistic management, emotional intelligence, artificial intelligence, time. This day was also an opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of RIPCO through a ceremony that rewarded the articles that have had the most impact on the scientific community since the journal's inception. These articles were republished in a "special 25 years" issue. The figures for this first day of face-to-face research at the CNIT de La Défense in Paris were very encouraging: 60 participants, 30 papers presented and 54 contributors from 10 countries and 35 academic institutions. They reveal a real expectation in the specific field of OB.
After the success of this first edition, RIPCO organized online on June 15, 2021 its second research day more specifically dedicated to positive organizational behaviors. 44 proposals of communication were selected and presented. They came from 85 researchers from 10 countries and 62 different academic institutions. They were listened to by 235 participants.
The 3rd Research Day organized by RIPCO took place on June 17, 2022. This year, the chosen theme focused on health behaviors, organizational health, and individual health. The day was marked by the presentation of 49 papers, with a total of 93 contributors. This exceptional dynamic is the result of the editorial team's work at RIPCO, as well as the logistical team at ICN Business School, the ten workshop moderators, and the four distinguished guests: Professor Emeritus Anne Langley from HEC Montréal, Serge Kebabtchieff, CEO of Éditions Eska, Florence Legros, General Director of ICN Business School and unwavering supporter of the journal, and Franck Bournois, President of the scientific council. During her closing keynote speech, Professor Anne Langley highlighted the diversity of metaphors used to understand the process of the recent health crisis. Three papers were particularly distinguished during the day:
The best paper on the day's theme: "Job crafting: proactive behaviors of healthcare professionals to cope with role tensions generated by the Covid crisis" by Christelle Routelous, Myra SADER, and Anne-Lise Le Hesran from the École des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP). The best paper in organizational behavior: "Identity threat and strategy in the work environment" by Kate Yue Zhang and Robert Earhart from the American University of Paris. The best paper for young researchers: "Being seen at a distance: issues of digital visibility and psychosocial risks in a pandemic context" by Claire Estagnasie from UQAM (Canada).
The 4th Research Day RIPCO 2023 took place on June 9, 2023 at ICN Paris La Défense. The focus of this day was on the behavior of employees and organizations in the face of climate change. A total of 33 presentations were made by 75 contributors from 7 countries and 54 institutions. The day was divided into 10 workshops, each consisting of 3 presentations, and 2 plenary sessions with our guests, including Paul Shrivastava, Professor of Management and Organizations at the Smeal College of Business at Pennsylvania State University, Professor Corinne Gendron from DSRSE at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), and Serge Kebabtchieff, CEO of Éditions Eska. Two presentations received nominations. For the best communication in organizational behavior, "Les conditions d'appropriation des normes organisationnelles des conseillers de pôle emploi" by Didier Chabanet and Christine-Noël Lemaitre from IDRAC Business School (France). For the best communication on the theme of the day, "Le rôle des salariés et des organisations syndicales face à la dynamique de décarbonation des entreprises" by Sophie Boutillier and Blandine Laperche from the Center for Research on Innovation and Industrial Strategies and the University of Littoral-Côte d'Opale.
The 4th edition of the Journée de Recherche Ripco 2023 was labeled by the Collège de Labellisation des Colloques de la FNEGE. The members of the Collège noted that the call for papers was precise, with well-presented sub-themes. They also highlighted the presence of a wide bibliography of support. The article selection process was deemed in accordance with the usual research rules. The Collège also recognized the significance of the research produced with the support of RIPCO, which corresponds to a field of interest to be developed in the field of management sciences.
The 2024 RIPCO Research Day, held on June 6 at ICN's Paris-La Défense campus, was a resounding success, focusing on the theme "Well-Being and Malaise at Work." Over 93 participants attended, with 35 presentations selected from more than 50 submissions, contributed by 63 researchers from eight countries. While the event welcomed all organizational behavior topics, the thematic unity around well-being and malaise facilitated in-depth discussions across 12 workshops. The day concluded with a compelling keynote by Professor Gaëtane Caesens from the University of Louvain, addressing the dehumanization of work. This success has sparked discussions about expanding the event into a two-day academic congress. |