Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO)
Join the RIPCO Research Day 2025! On May 27, 2025, at ICN Paris La Défense, this flagship event will delve into organizational attitudes and behaviors, with a special focus on leadership. Submit your extended abstracts by March 17, 2025, to contribute to this exceptional day. Free participation upon registration! SUBMIT
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 A New Chapter for RIPCO: Franck Biétry and Nicolas Raineri Take the Lead
Starting this January, the Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO) welcomes its new co-editors-in-chief, Franck Biétry and Nicolas Raineri. They succeed Silvester Ivanaj, whose leadership has been instrumental in the journal's development.

Franck Biétry, University Professor at the University of Caen, specialises in organisational behaviour and human resource management. He leads two international Master's programmes at the IAE and is an active member of NIMEC, where he supervises one of the three main research areas. His work focuses on employee engagement in contexts of nomadic careers and new forms of work, as well as the quantitative assessment of workplace well-being, often from an international perspective. He has published in prestigious journals such as Organizational Research Method, Management, and Revue Française de Gestion.

Nicolas Raineri, Associate Professor at ICN Business School and a member of CEREFIGE (University of Lorraine), has extensive academic and international experience. A former associate editor of Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, he has published in journals such as the Journal of Management Studies and the Journal of Business Ethics. His research explores the psychological foundations of corporate social responsibility (CSR), focusing on employee attitudes and behaviours. He is also interested in health, well-being, and meaning at work, as well as the organisational behaviour of people with disabilities.

The new co-editors-in-chief are committed to maintaining the scientific excellence, editorial rigour, and international openness that define RIPCO, while enhancing the diversity of published research. We are delighted to begin this new chapter and look forward to sharing increasingly stimulating and inspiring issues. We hope that RIPCO’s multidisciplinary approach and openness to diverse research traditions will enrich the quality of the published works while fostering constructive dialogue among researchers, practitioners, and institutions.

Franck Biétry and Nicolas Raineri, Co-editors-in-chief of RIPCO

 RIPCO is organising its 6th Research Day
RIPCO is organising its 6th Research Day on Organisational Behaviour on Tuesday, 27 May 2025, at the ICN Business School campus in Paris, La Défense. This edition will focus on leadership, exploring both its promises and its pitfalls. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit an extended abstract of their academic work, focusing on leadership and its various impacts on individuals, teams, and organisations. Contributions may include empirical studies, literature reviews, or theoretical developments. Submissions are expected by 17 March 2025, with feedback from the scientific committee provided on 27 April 2025. The event, free and open to all upon registration, will take place in person to foster exchanges and encourage dialogue among participants. For more information, please visit the event’s dedicated website.

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 RIPCO launches a new special issue: Norms and organisationnal behaviour
In a context where confusion between standards and legal regulations is common, it is essential to clarify that standards are voluntarily adopted management tools, co-constructed through consensus, designed to simplify organisational processes. Unlike laws, which are mandatory, standards offer flexibility in implementation. Some are obligatory, such as ISO 17021 for certifications, while others, like ISO 26000, provide non-certifiable guidelines. Recent research shows that the adoption of standards is influenced by cultural and organisational factors, with tensions sometimes arising, as seen in France's critical reception of ISO 45001. The proliferation of standards, referred to as "Tétranormalisation," also creates challenges by generating conflicts between different norms. This special issue aims to explore how organisations perceive, negotiate, and manage standards, while also considering the creation of new standards to address contemporary issues like remote working and inclusivity.

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Just released
Volume XXX | Numéro 83 | 2024 | Regular Issue
Developing interactional competences in vocational training within work organizations
Preventing and Managing Psychosocial Risks: A Challenge for Entrepreneurial Support Organizations
Christian MAKAYA, Siavash ATARODI, Céline BARRÉDY
Organizational Causes of "Boreout": An Exploratory Study in the Tunisian Private Sector
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Calls for contributions
Special Issue: Vol.XXXI, Num. CFP_SI_NORMS ( 2026)
Norms and organisationnal behaviour
Guest editors: Pierre-Antoine Sprimont et Arnaud Eve
Deadline : 31/12/2026
In a context where confusion between standards and legal regulations is common, it is essential to clarify that standards are voluntarily adopted management tools, co-constructed through consensus, designed to simplify organisational processes. Unlike laws, which are mandatory, standards offer flexibility in implementation. Some are obligatory, such as ISO 17021 for certifications, while others, like ISO 26000, provide non-certifiable guidelines. Recent research shows that the adoption of standards is influenced by cultural and organisational factors, with tensions sometimes arising, as seen in France's critical reception of ISO 45001. The proliferation of standards, referred to as "Tétranormalisation," also creates challenges by generating conflicts between different norms. This special i ...
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved