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Volume XXV • Issue 62 • 2019 (Already published)
(Regular issue)

- Religious practices' strategies at work: studying Muslim employees in northern France. Ramin MAHMOUDI
- How Social Network Analysis can improve management of steering communities? Michaël BENEDIC
- A state of the art on latent variables measurement: The case of self-perceived employability for the senior executives of the French private sector. Nadia DEACKEN et Franck JAOTOMBO
- Social comparison in Pakistan: Impacts on psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behaviors. Delphine LACAZE et Imran HAMEED
- Organizational socialization and employees' loyalty: An analysis backed up by facts in Cameroonians SMEs. Ben BOUBAKARY
- The role of professional identity and its weakening when aggressive responses are adopted in specialized occupations like the building or manufacturing sectors. Geneviève CLOUTIER et Alain MARCHAND

Book review
- Max Abrahms - Rules for Rebels. Coralie FIORI-KHAYAT
Issue content
Title :  Religious practices’ strategies at work: studying Muslim employees in northern France
Author(s) :  Ramin, MAHMOUDI
Abstract :  Shall I forbid my employees to demonstrate their religion in my company? This question is more and more asked by managers. Professionals are lacking markers facing the “religious renewal” in companies and more specifically about religious practices occurring in the field of business. The research was conducted for several months in Roubaix with a sample of 15 Muslim employees aged between 32 and 38 years old in order to understand religious practices at work. Results are showing a strong attachment of this population to their religious values which exist and express itself professionally and 4 strategies generating differentiate different behaviors at work (compromise, restriction, opportunism and rupture).The managerial proposals made as a result of this study put the emphasis on the importance of building a framework specifying how to “play by the rules” in the company. In other words, what is admitted and what is not, the why of managerial decisions and the fact that employees must commit themselves to respecting those rules.
Keywords:  management, organizational behavior, Human Resources Management (HRM), religion, diversity
Pages :  5 - 33
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  How Social Network Analysis can improve management of steering communities?
Author(s) :  Michaël, Benedic
Abstract :  The purpose of this article is to explore how Social Network Analysis (SNA) tools can improve the management of steering communities. These hybrid collectives, between spontaneous communities and structures controlled by classical hierarchical mechanisms, aim to foster the development of exchanges and knowledge useful to reach organizational objectives. They present specific managerial challenges. It is indeed a matter of succeeding in fostering and steering these collectives without depriving themselves of the richness of community functioning. It is necessary to reconcile some form of self-organization and control and develop identity mechanisms within these intentionally created communities. We consider SNA as a useful method for management to address these issues. SNA is a set of methods aiming at investigating existing relationships between social units. SNA enables to obtain a graphical representation of the different kinds of ties as well as useful indicators for the description of the structure of the network. Researchers may use SNA to help managers assess the situation of a community regarding its objectives in order to make appropriate adjustments. This article presents research conducted in a steering community of practice within a research and development organization.
Keywords:  social networks, management tools, knowledge management, steering communities, organizational analysis
Pages :  35 - 53
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  A state of the art on latent variables measurement: The case of self-perceived employability for the senior executives of the French private sector
Author(s) :  Nadia, DEACKEN ; Franck, Jaotombo
Abstract :  This article summarizes the evolution of the different latent variable measurement models used in Organizational Scholarship. We start by revisiting the traditional models used since the 1980s, then present the most recent findings over the last decade, including the rediscovery of bifactor models and the development of Exploratory Structural Equations Modeling (ESEM). These last two models represent a generalization of the traditional Confirmatory Factor Analysis model (CFA ICM) and demonstrate both a better fit to the data in addition to a better construct validity (convergent, discriminant, predictive). These methods are then illustrated through the operationalization of the “self-perceived employability” construct. The traditional CFA model is significantly less fit to the data than the ESEM models are and display much lower construct validity and reliability. The final result yields a bifactor ESEM model with an overarching general employability factor and ten domain-specific factors, all of which predict that a senior executive job seeker is more likely to feel employable than a professionally active senior executive, except for the professional self-efficacy and competency factors. Some theoretical and empirical biases of the traditional CFA model are then underlined, and managerial as well as academic openings are outlined for future studies.
Keywords:  confirmatory factor analysis, bifactor models, exploratory structural equations modeling (ESEM), self-perceived employability, senior executives
Pages :  53 - 82
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Social comparison in Pakistan: Impacts on psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behaviors
Author(s) :  Delphine, LACAZE ; Imran, HAMEED
Abstract :  The purpose of this paper is to explore how social comparison influences organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB) directed at individuals (OCB-I) and organizations (OCB-O) through the perceptions of a psychological contract breach. By integrating self-consistency theory and social exchange theory, the research intends to contribute to the analysis of social influences on OCB and psychological contract evaluation. The data, composed of 305 supervisor-subordinate dyads from several Pakistani organizations, is analyzed through a moderated mediation analysis. Results indicate that negative social comparisons decrease OCB through the mediation of psychological contract breach. When the content of a psychological contract is perceived as important, the effects of psychological contract breach on OCB-I are increased. Positive social comparison increases OCB through reduced psychological contract breach. Therefore, to remain consistent with their self-image, employees adjust their OCBs according to the positive or negative self-evaluation resulting from the social comparison process. The perception of a psychological contract breach constitutes a cognitive process which intervenes before the results of a social comparison are transformed into increased or decreased efforts at work. This perception is socially influenced. Managerial implications are hence oriented toward creating an environment that promotes positive social comparisons and discourages negative social comparisons. As the psychological contract evaluation was conceptualized only in terms of breach, the fulfillment or over-fulfillment of the psychological contract represents a research perspective. In addition, future research could investigate how employees’ orientation toward positive or negative social comparisons can be influenced by individual characteristics or contextual factors.
Keywords:  social comparison, psychological contract, organizational citizenship behaviors, social influence, work performance
Pages :  83 - 104
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Organizational socialization and employees’ loyalty: An analysis backed up by facts in Cameroonians SMEs
Author(s) :  Ben, Boubakary
Abstract :  The socialization of employees in companies has already been the subject of extensive research. However, knowledge on the subject still needs to be developed. In particular, little is known about the integration and retention of new and established SME employees. Based on an exploratory qualitative approach carried out in Cameroonian SMEs, we present the stakes of socialization practices on the loyalty of employees. This work, contributing to enrich the knowledge on the practices of organizational socialization (OS), emphasizes its preponderant role to the loyalty of the employees, thus guaranteeing a better performance of the company by maintenance of the competent talents, a minimization of the recruitment costs and a reduction of social dysfunctions.
Keywords:  organizational socialization, retention, employee, SMEs, Cameroon
Pages :  105 - 126
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  The role of professional identity and its weakening when aggressive responses are adopted in specialized occupations like the building or manufacturing sectors
Author(s) :  Geneviève, Cloutier ; Alain, Marchand
Abstract :  Few researches have been interested in the problem of workplace aggressive behaviors in skilled trades occupations, particularly in the construction and manufacturing sectors. In addition, an important limitation of current studies is the omission of professional identity as a factor in the explanation of aggressive behaviors. This paper aims to examine the role of professional identity on aggressive responses in skilled trades occupations. The aggressive responses include interpersonal deviance, hostile sexism as well as feelings of anger and hostility. Data were collected by a questionnaire administered to 282 workers in skilled trades occupations. The results of multilevel regression models, addressing variations across 54 teams, suggest that they may have direct effects on a higher professional identification with hostile sexism. The results also showed that one aspect of skilled trades culture, which is integration of differences, is associated with interpersonal deviance. In addition, work demands and job insecurity are associated with feelings of anger and hostility, while low support social is associated with interpersonal deviance. Furthermore, the aspects of sex and gender enrich the interpretation of the results by highlighting the central role of masculinity. Worker’s masculinity is associated with interpersonal deviance, hostile sexism as well as feelings of anger and hostility, while worker’s femininity is associated with low feelings of anger and hostility.
Keywords:  professional identity, aggressive responses, skilled trades, multilevel models
Pages :  127 - 145
Type :  Research paper
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Title :  Max Abrahms, Rules for Rebels, Oxford University Press, 2019
Author(s) :  Coralie, Fiori-Khayat
Pages :  147 - 154
Type :  Book review
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  Publisher : Editions ESKA, 12 rue du quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris •  Publishing Director : Serge Kebabtchieff, email:, tél. : +33142865566 •  Editor in Chef : Silvester IVANAJ, ICN Business School – Campus Artem, 86 rue du Sergent Blandan, CS 70148, 54003 Nancy Cedex, email :, tél. : +33354502552 / +336 1123 8037  • Editorial secretary : Nathalie Tomachevsky  •  Marketing and Communication : Audrey Bisserier, email : • Responsible for printing : Marise Urbano, email :, tél. : +33142865565 • Periodicity : 4 issues per year • ISSN : 2262-8401 / e-ISSN : 2430-3275  
  © 2021 • Editions ESKA • All rights reserved